September 17, 2024
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Home » About

Hey there! I’m Sara Movahedi, the face behind this wonderful blog that’s all about making your home and garden spaces truly shine. If you’re up for some cracking good tips and tricks to spruce up your living areas, you’ve landed in just the right spot!

With a deep-seated passion for minimalism and a heart that beats for nature, I’m on a journey that delves into a realm of DIY escapades. I’m here to dish out first-rate reviews on home and garden products, all while untangling the enigma of plant care.

You know, there’s something incredibly satisfying about rolling up your sleeves and getting stuck into projects around the house or breathing new life into your garden. And that’s exactly what we’re all about—making your spaces not only look tip-top but also feel like an extension of your vibes.

So, picture this: We’ll be your trusty guides, showing you the ropes of everything from crafting fantastic DIY wonders to nailing the art of keeping your plants happy and healthy. Oh, and did I mention we’ll be dishing out reviews that’ll save you from wasting a pretty penny? You can count on us to keep it real.

This blog is more than just a bunch of words on a screen; it’s a community of folks like you who want to make their living spaces bloom and flourish. I’m all ears for your thoughts and can’t wait to get chit-chatting with you (@the_maverick_souls_blog). Together, we’re on a journey to add a splash of awesomeness to our homes and gardens—one step at a time.

So, big thanks for joining “Maverick Living Blog”.

And hey, before you go on your next DIY adventure or give your plants some extra love, make sure you don’t miss out on the good stuff. Join our crew and subscribe to our free newsletter! It’s packed with even more tips, sneak peeks, and exclusive goodies that you won’t find anywhere else. Let’s keep the ideas blooming and the inspiration flowing together!

One last thing, I recently launched my other website (, where I offer my own nature-inspired designs. Join me on this journey as well and follow (@the_maverick_souls). Thank you ✨

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